The Main Street of Busan

Visit to the Land of Morning Calm



Accession Nr.: A.4760.2.33.3.
Type: photograph
Date of production:
Place of production:
Acquisition: collection of Dezső Bozóky
Signed: Below the photo: Dezső Bozóky's handwriting:
Busan's main street.
Materials/Techniques: gelatin silver printing-out-paper print, one half of stereo pair
Dimensions: height: 7.1 cm
width: 8.3 cm
The album containing Dezső Bozóky's travelphotos (second). Related item: A.4760.2. (album). Photograph taken by Dezső Bozóky. Related item: F.2004.677. (photo). Busan’s main street. It is lined by two-storey houses, which have shops on the ground floor. Telegraph poles stand on both sides of the street. A long line of porters hauling firewood is walking away from the camera. “The main street, the Naka-
dori, with the shops familiar from Japan, the teahouses, shooting galleries and Japanese theatres, is as if it had been transported from Kobe
to Korean soil. Were it not for the many Korean porters in the streets, who carry the heaviest loads on a strange contraption they wear on
their back, one would be led to believe this is Japan” (Bozóky 1911, I. 528). Other publication: Bozóky Dezső: Két év Keletázsiában. Útirajzok. I-II. kötet. China és Korea, Japán. (동아시아에서의 2년. 여행기 I.-II. 권, 중국과 한국, 일본) Nagyvárad, the author's edition, 1911.