By the bathing beach

Visit to the Land of Morning Calm



Accession Nr.: A.4760.2.32.3.
Type: photograph
Date of production:
Place of production:
Acquisition: collection of Dezső Bozóky
Signed: Below the photo: Dezső Bozóky's handwriting:
In the sea bath.
Materials/Techniques: gelatin silver printing-out-paper print, one half of stereo pair
Dimensions: height: 7 cm
width: 8.1 cm
The album containing Dezső Bozóky's travelphotos (second). Related item: A.4760.2. (album). Photograph taken by Dezső Bozóky. Women about to enter the water, and men and a woman bathing in the sea. A sailing boat and hills lost in the mist can be seen in the distance.