Past exhibitions

    Land of Buddhas | GANDHĀRA. Indo-Greek Sculptures of the Ferenc Hopp Museum

    Land of Buddhas | GANDHĀRA. Indo-Greek Sculptures of the Ferenc Hopp Museum

    To the northwest of India, in one of the busy regions of the Silk Road: the land of Gandhāra, a new type of art created unique Hellenistic style Buddhist sculpture in the 1st-6th centuries AD. More ❯❯❯



    Our chamber exhibition introducing the authentic Japanese tea ceremony room is directly connected to the main exhibition and its theme. More ❯❯❯

    Moon above the Clouds. The Life of Bishop Count Péter Vay and his Japanese Art Collection

    Moon above the Clouds. The Life of Bishop Count Péter Vay and his Japanese Art Collection

    Main goals of the exhibition are the presentation of the first Japanese fine art collection, display of the most outstanding objects, and as well the commemoration of the tireless activity of Count Péter Vay. More ❯❯❯

    Visit to the Land of the Rising Sun. Photographs taken in Japan by naval physician Dezső Bozóky

    Visit to the Land of the Rising Sun. Photographs taken in Japan by naval physician Dezső Bozóky

    The joint exhibition project of Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts and Kolta Gallery, i.e. the presentation and publication of naval physician and photographer Dr. Dezső Bozóky’s life and work, has reached another summit. Opening in April 2023, the forthcoming exhibition presents digital copies of glass slides taken by Bozóky during his visit to Japan. More ❯❯❯

    Yurts And Monasteries. Mongolian Treasures at the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts

    Yurts And Monasteries. Mongolian Treasures at the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts

    In recognition of the outstanding Hungarian researchers of Mongolian material culture, the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts has curated the first comprehensive exhibition in its history introducing Mongolian art and culture. This exhibition also allows us to acknowledge the work carried out by two outstanding scholars and to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Lajos Ligeti (1902−1987) and the 50th anniversary of the death of the former museum director Tibor Horváth (1910−1972). More ❯❯❯

    Trance | Dance | Bali. In the photos of Gill Marais

    Trance | Dance | Bali. In the photos of Gill Marais

    The photo exhibition at the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts presents to the public a little-known side of the island of Bali from the perspective of two travellers – both of them women. One of them arrived at Bali in the mid-1930s, the other in the turning of the 20th and 21st centuries. They did not know each other, but, with nearly a hundred years difference, both were receptive to the same phenomena in Bali. More ❯❯❯

    Visit to the Land of Morning Calm. Dr Dezső Bozóky’s Korean Photographs

    Visit to the Land of Morning Calm. Dr Dezső Bozóky’s Korean Photographs

    Dr Dezső Bozóky’s Korean Photographs. Dezső Bozóky (1871–1957) a physician of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, visited Korea aboard SMS Kaiser Franz Josef I, and took a number of photographs that bear evidence to the last days of the Korean Empire. More ❯❯❯

    Made in Asia. The Centenary of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts

    Made in Asia. The Centenary of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts

    Celebrating the Centenary of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts. Our exhibition titled Made in Asia. The Centenary of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts displays the best pieces in the collection of the hundred-year-old Hopp Museum. More ❯❯❯

    Sojourn in the Kingdom of Heaven. Photographs taken in China by Dezső Bozóky

    Sojourn in the Kingdom of Heaven. Photographs taken in China by Dezső Bozóky

    An exhibition organised in cooperation with Kolta Galéria. Dr. Dezső Bozóky, physician of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, performed military service in the Far East between 1907 and 1909. During these twenty-six months, he visited the most important ports of China, Korea and Japan several times. More ❯❯❯

    On the Other Side of the Intermediate State: The Art of Tibor Hajas and the Tibetan Mysteries​

    On the Other Side of the Intermediate State: The Art of Tibor Hajas and the Tibetan Mysteries​

    On the Other Side of the Intermediate State is one of a series of exhibitions at the Hopp Museum exploring the influence of Asian cultures on Hungarian artists and intellectuals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This exhibition presents works by Tibor Hajas (1946–1980), a poet and artist whose life was tragically cut short, focusing on the last period of his career, which was influenced by the book by Béla Hamvas, entitled the Tibetan Mysteries, and defined by aspects of Tibetan Buddhism. More ❯❯❯



    Devi Cults and Traditional Female Roles in India. On the Indian subcontinent, the different regional cults of the Goddess, or Devi, as she is known in India, are rooted deep in the past. From the age of the Indus Valley Civilisation until the arrival of the globalised world of the twenty-first century, the people of India have long worshipped Devi, and continue to do so. More ❯❯❯

    Sanghay – Shanghai. Parallel Diversities between East & West

    Sanghay – Shanghai. Parallel Diversities between East & West

    The new exhibition at Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts, titled Sanghay – Shanghai. Parallel Diversities between East and West aims at firstly to allow a glimpse inside the world of Hungarians who lived and worked in Shanghai in that period, as seen through their own personal items (many of which now form part of the collection of the Hopp Museum); and secondly to present the findings of recent research into previously unexplored areas of Hungarian art that came under the influence of the East. More ❯❯❯

    Geishas by the Danube. The influence of Japanese culture on Hungarian art

    Geishas by the Danube. The influence of Japanese culture on Hungarian art

    The Kovács Gábor Art Foundation and the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts present the first exhibition in Hungary that looks at the influence of Japanese culture on Hungarian art, with a selection of artworks from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Museum of Applied Arts – Hungarian National Gallery and the Museum of Applied Arts are cooperating partners of the exhibition. More ❯❯❯

    Visit to the Ottoman Empire

    Visit to the Ottoman Empire

    Dr Dezső Bozóky's Photographs (1905-1906). Dr Dezső Bozóky (1871-1957) is one of our forgotten world travelers who, in the service of the Monarchy's navy, reached distant Eastern regions twice. In 1905-1906, he sailed to Greece and Turkey, then, between 1907-1909, he sailed to truly far-off lands, to the waters of the Far East, to Korea, China and Japan. More ❯❯❯

    Nagas, Birds and Elephant. Traditional Dress from Mainland Southeast Asia

    Nagas, Birds and Elephant. Traditional Dress from Mainland Southeast Asia

    The new temporary exhibition at the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts, Budapest, the Nagas, Birds and Elephants, presents Southeast Asian textiles from a variety of viewpoints – geographical, chronological and anthropological. More ❯❯❯