Japanese obi design sample with large abstract flower pattern (kamon) of white and pink colours

Japanese Collection

Accession Nr.: 2011.22.1
Type: textile arts
Date of production:
End of the 20th century
Taishō era or Shōwa era or Heisei era
Place of production:
Materials/Techniques: silk, metallic thread
Dimensions: height: 43.4 cm
width: 32.5 cm
Mashima Rieko purchased her collection of textile samples in traditional weaving factories in Kyoto at the turn of the 21st century. The textile samples originally woven as show ot test fabrics. Source: Fajcsák Györgyi (ed.): Japán vörös és fekete. Hagyományos japán viselet és kortárs magyar ékszerek / Japanese 'Rouge et Noir'. Traditional Japanese Wear and Traditional Hungarian Jewellery. Budapest, Iparművészeti Múzeum, 2013.