Korean peasant husking rice outside his house

Visit to the Land of Morning Calm



Accession Nr.: A.4760.2.30.1.
Type: photograph
Date of production:
ca. 1900
Place of production:
Acquisition: collection of Dezső Bozóky
Signed: Below the photo: Dezső Bozóky's handwriting:
A Korean farmer husking rice in front of his house.
Materials/Techniques: gelatin silver printing-out-paper print
Dimensions: height: 9.9 cm
width: 14 cm
The album containing Dezső Bozóky's travelphotos (second). Related item: A.4760.2. (album). Unknown photographer. Photograph purchased by Dezső Bozóky. A Korean farmer outside his traditional house, imitating rice husking for the sake of the camera. Laughing, a young woman and her child watch him from the window. The white patch of another woman’s clothes can be seen on the porch on the left. A variety of household effects can be seen in the yard: ceramic and stone vessels, a tub, and a cauldron sunk in the ground by the entrance. Dezső Bozóky himself described rice husking as hard work. “Two or three, almost completely naked men stand over the bucket, facing each other,
and like blacksmiths hitting the anvil, they take it in turns to hit the bucket filled with rice with their large hammers. All their muscles
are flexed, and streams of sweat run down their bodies during this hard work, which is a veritable form of torture...” (Bozóky 1911, I. 495).

Other publication: Bozóky Dezső: Két év Keletázsiában. Útirajzok. I-II. kötet. China és Korea, Japán. (동아시아에서의 2년. 여행기 I.-II. 권, 중국과 한국, 일본) Nagyvárad, the author's edition, 1911.