Sarasvatī, the Goddes of Melody

Mongolian Collection

Accession Nr.: 6303
Type: painting; textile; thangka
Date of production:
18th century
Place of production:
Materials: cotton canvas; silk
Techniques: painted
Dimensions: image: 47.2 × 31.5 cm
frame: 96.5 × 52.6 cm
The White bodied Sarasvatī seats on a lunar disk of a white lotus flower; her feet are drawn up and crossed. In her raised left hand she holds o classical Indian musical instrument, which is decorated with a dragon's head. With her right hand she pluck the instrument. Her hair is gathered up into a knot and her body is covered by eight kinds of jewellery; on top part of her body she wears a green-silk shawl and on the bottom part a decorated red garment. A red halo encirles her head and a green one her body. Above her, among the clouds, there is a darkblue Aksobhya buddha encircled by halo. On the left side is the famous tantric yogi Padmasambhava, while the figure on the right side holding a jug filled with holy water is perhaphs an abbot of a famous monastery. On the back of the thangka there are seed syllables in lantsa script and mantra also lantsa script. The painting is framed with blue damas-silk border, to which at the top and bottom round-shaped, swivel-voven dragon-patterned appliqué parts have been sewn on. Manchurian-script ornamentation is wowen into the material of the mounting.