Small vase with aubergine motif

Japanese Collection

Accession Nr.: 53.334.1
Type: vase; object for daily use; ceramics
Date of production:
between 1900 and 1910
Meiji era
Place of production:
Signed: Makuzu Kōzan sei / 真葛香山製 (Made by Makuzu Kōzan)
Materials/Techniques: porcelain, underglaze blue decoration (sometsuke)
Dimensions: height: 9.2 cm
diameter: 6 cm
Literature, analogies:

荒川 正明 [Arakawa Masaaki] et al eds., 『神業ニッポン明治のやきもの : 幻の横浜焼・東京焼論考集』 [Divine Nippon. Meiji pottery: a collection of essays on the phantom Yokohama and Tokyo ware] Yokohama, 神奈川新聞社, 2019, 78.

Impley, Oliver R. et al eds., 『ナセル・D・ハリリコレクション: 海を渡った日本の美術』/ The Nasser D. Khalili Collection. Decorative Arts of Meiji Japan. Vol. 5/1 (Porcelain), Kyoto, 同朋舎出版, 1995, n. 237.

Jahn, Gisela, Meiji Ceramics: Japanese Export Porcelain: Japanese Export Porcelain 1868-1912. Stuttgart, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2003, 323.