Small vase with yellow glaze

Japanese Collection

Accession Nr.: 53.335.1
Type: vase; object for daily use; ceramics
Date of production:
C. 1910
Meiji era
Place of production:
Signed: Seifū /清風
Materials/Techniques: porcelain, greenish-yellow glaze
Dimensions: height: 8 cm
diameter: 5.5 cm
Literature, analogies:

関 和男 [Seki, Kazuo], Kyoto ceramist Seifu Yohei III : the brilliance of the Meiji era : beginning of the modern ceramic age /『三代清風与平』, Tokyo, 創樹社美術出版, 2012.

横山美術館 [Yokoyama Museum] ed., 『京焼・その技が歴史をつくる』 [Kyoyaki - the art of making history], Nagoya, 横山美術館, 2020, 32, 53–57.