The Main Street of Seoul

Visit to the Land of Morning Calm



Accession Nr.: A.4760.2.23.4.
Type: photograph
Date of production:
Place of production:
Acquisition: collection of Dezső Bozóky
Signed: Below the photo: Dezső Bozóky's handwriting: Women on the main street.
Materials/Techniques: gelatin silver contact print, one half of stereo pair
Dimensions: height: 6.5 cm
width: 8 cm
The album containing Dezső Bozóky's travelphotos (second). Related item: A.4760.2. (album). Photograph taken by Dezső Bozóky. Related item: F.2004.662. (photo). Three women wrapped in their aprons approach in the strong headwind on the Jongno. On the right, a basket maker’s offer is on view. “And the women of Seoul wear, almost all of them, light green aprons on their heads, with the two empty sleeves hanging by their ears, and red, crimson or violet ribbons on their chests” (Bozóky 1911, I. 501–502). Other publication: Bozóky Dezső: Két év Keletázsiában. Útirajzok. I-II. kötet. China és Korea, Japán. (동아시아에서의 2년. 여행기 I.-II. 권, 중국과 한국, 일본) Nagyvárad, the author's edition, 1911.
place of production: Seoul, Jongno (종로)