Silver beltbuckle in the form of a leaf, with a rosette in the middle, surrounded by foliage scroll motif. The object was purcheased by Ferenc Hopp in Siam.
The belt ornament (In Indonesian: pending) is a popular accessory in the Malay world made by Peranakan (emigrant, assimilated) Chinese jewellers, but the clientele was not limited to this community, as it was as much a part of Javanese dress as of the people of Malayo-chinese colonies living in the Malay islands or Singapore (the former British colony, called the Straits Settlements). A beautifully crafted, ornate silver pending was also the symbol of the wearer's wealth and status.
The belt ornament (In Indonesian: pending) is a popular accessory in the Malay world made by Peranakan (emigrant, assimilated) Chinese jewellers, but the clientele was not limited to this community, as it was as much a part of Javanese dress as of the people of Malayo-chinese colonies living in the Malay islands or Singapore (the former British colony, called the Straits Settlements). A beautifully crafted, ornate silver pending was also the symbol of the wearer's wealth and status.