Green Tārā, the Green Saviouress
This statuette depicting the female bodhisattva Green Tara, or the Green Savioress in accordance with iconometric rules. She wears the cloths of an Indian princess, and a diadem adorns her forehaed. Her right hand forms the gesture of varada mudra, and her leg lies on a lotus flower. A lotus blooming above her rigth shoulder, and there is a lotus bud over her left shoulder. The Green Tara seats on a high double lotus throne, in which the petals form a perfect circle- This incomplete statuette retains the charachteristics of the Dzanababzar style, though the bodhisattva's eyes, mouth and hair are not painted as usual. Due to the evident embels of the Dzanabadzar style this piece is considered an un artwork of the Dzanababzar School.