Traditional New Year painting - Martial Arts' School / Fighting Elephants (Vietnamese: Chọi Voi)

Southeast Asian Collection

Accession Nr.: 2018.1.2
Type: woodblock print
Date of production:
Place of production:
Materials/Techniques: paper, coloured woodblock print
Dimensions: height: 42. 5 cm
width: 27. 5 cm
The image, taken at the Đông Hồ workshop in Vietnam, shows a martial arts schoolyard tournament in vivid colours. On the podium (the inscription on the top literally reads: martial arts school), a man dressed as an official and his entourage of flag bearers and gunmen watch the battle in the arena. At the centre is a wheeled, fire-breathing mythical animal: a qi-lin, with two warriors battling five men riding on the backs of war elephants.

Each element of the engraving contains auspicious symbols: the five warriors / five male children sitting on elephants, representing strength, besieging the height (also representing high office) of the qi lin, which makes the image a New Year's image. On the other hand, it may also evoke the chi-lin dance of the Vietnamese New Year celebrations. A very rare woodcut.