Vase with fish in a pond motif

Japanese Collection

Accession Nr.: 53.318.1
Type: vase; object for daily use; metalwork
Date of production:
ca. 1900
Meiji era
Place of production:
Signed: Circular seal mark: Jōmi Eisuke / 紹美栄祐
Materials/Techniques: bronze
Dimensions: height: 10.6 cm
diameter (body): 9.7 cm
diameter (base): 4.5 cm
weight: max. 1 kg
Vase with carp motif.

Literature, analogies:
Impley, Oliver R. et al eds., 『ナセル・D・ハリリコレクション: 海を渡った日本の美術』/ The Nasser D. Khalili Collection. Decorative Arts of Meiji Japan. Vol. 2/2 (Metal), Kyoto, 同朋舎出版, 1994, n. 88, n. 95.

宮内庁三の丸尚蔵館 [Imperial Household Agency, San-no-Maru Shōzōkan] ed., 『帝室技芸員と一九〇〇年パリ万国博覧会』 [Imperial Household Artists and the 1900 Paris International Exposition],Tokyo, 宮内庁三の丸尚藏館, 2008, 52–54.