Dharma Workshop 2.


Dharma Workshop

The Dharma Workshop is a series of workshops at the museum, running for the first time this year, where we can explore together the sometimes familiar, sometimes unknown aspects of Buddhism. Led by invited visual artists, the programmes will be experiential, all-sensory learning rather than the classroom-style listening experience.

Journey to the East | Photography, travelogue

Do cultures have different ways of thinking visually? Do they click the camera differently in the East? What do locals and tourists photograph? In this workshop, we will search for answers while looking at photos from the museum's archive, compare photos from the East and the West, and then make our own postcards using cyanotype techniques.

The programme was led by Tatjána Kardos, sinologist, museum staff member and Péter Pettendi Szabó, artist

The concept of the Dharma Workshop was developed by Aliz Farkas

9 May 2024