Dharma Workshop 1.


Dharma Workshop

The Dharma Workshop is a series of workshops at the museum, running for the first time this year, where we can explore together the sometimes familiar, sometimes unknown aspects of Buddhism. Led by invited visual artists, the programmes will be experiential, all-sensory learning rather than the classroom-style listening experience.

Garden, Nature, Earth

Seed bomb making + plant tasting + relaxation in the museum's oriental garden. In the first session, we will learn about the philosophy of Japanese gardener and Masanobu Fukuoka and then we will create what he called seed bombs (seed balls). Bomb is a word that evokes war, but seed bombs have the opposite message when they land in the city or in nature and from them plants grow. This is not unfamiliar to the non-violent approach of Buddhism. The idea of the Buddha's footprint and our ecological footprint is recalled in Hajnal Gyeviki's unique ceramics - and the plates will be used to taste edible plants whose seeds are hidden in the bombs.

The programme was hosted by Hajnal Gyeviki, ceramicist and founder of the Soil Sciart Society, and Zita Gódorné Hazenauer, garden engineer, Japanese garden expert and colleague of the Hopp Museum

The concept of the Dharma Workshop was developed by Aliz Farkas

Location: the garden of the Ferenc Hopp Museum

17 April 2024