CHANGE OF DATE!!! Batarita | MÉLYCSEND (Deep Silence) | Premiere

CHANGE OF DATE!!! Batarita | MÉLYCSEND (Deep Silence) | Premiere

No condition is permanent. To be reborn as an animal, a hungry shadow, a demon, a dweller of hell, or to find peace of mind, the ultimate tranquility and balanced perfection?

“Little thoughts, subtle thoughts,
when followed, stir up the heart.
Not comprehending the thoughts of the heart,
one runs here & there,
the mind out of control.
But comprehending the thoughts of the heart,
one who is ardent, mindful,
restrains them.
When, followed, they stir up the heart,
one awakened
lets them go without trace.”

(Sutta Piṭaka, Khuddaka Nikāya, Udāna 4:1 Meghiya Sutta — translated from Pali to English by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu)

Batarita – choreographer, dancer, costume- and visual designer, director, festival director and ambassador of the Touchpoint Art Foundation – founded the Batarita Company in 2000. She has toured more than 25 countries with her pieces. Batarita is an award winner of the Asia-Europe Foundation, the Unesco Ashberg Foundation, the DanceWeb, the Japan Foundation - Uchida Fellowship, the CPI-SIDance and the Royaumont Foundation. In 2006, she was a guest artist for the birthday ceremony of the King of Thailand. Her works based on butoh philosophy. She created and danced collaborative pieces with Ko Murobushi and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2009 she has directed 3 operas at the Hungarian State Opera House. She has been a member of the jury at international choreography competitions since 2012. She has directed two movies. In 2009, she founded, and since then has been the director and the curatorial director of, the BODY.RADICAL International Performing Arts Biennial. In 2013, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award “For Parallel Culture” from the Mediawave Foundation.

The contemporary dance performance MÉLYCSEND (Hungarian for ‘deep silence’), based on the philosophy of Butoh, was conceived to accompany the exhibition Land of Buddhas | GANDHĀRA at the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts. Dance, visuals and Stravinsky-inspired noise music are intertwined in the piece as equally emphatic elements. The collaboration between the four composers and the solo dancer was particularly exciting during the creative process.

Music: XRC Balázs Kovács, István Lisztes, András Molnár, Gábor Takács (professor and students of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, University of Pécs)

Choreography, visuals, dance: Batarita

Costumes: István Hornyák, Batarita

Sponsored by: Touchpoint Art Foundation, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap

Participation fee: 2500 HUF / person
No discounts apply.
The ticket is valid for the exhibition on the day of the event, before the performance.
Tickets are to be purchased online, in advance.


Photos: SI-LA-GI