Indonesian shadow puppetry (wayang kulit) workshop with master Ki Purbo Asmoro

Indonesian shadow puppetry (wayang kulit) workshop with master Ki Purbo Asmoro

"The Dalangs are the fathers of the Wayangs, it is by their will that the puppets live, the individual existence of the puppets depends on their will." (Ernő Zboray)

Special programme! Once in a lifetime! In Budapest only at Hopp Museum!

We are lucky to have Ki Purbo Asmoro, one of the best known masters of Indonesian shadow puppetry, on his busy European tour, giving a special workshop in the garden of the Hopp Museum. After an introductory lecture, which will be translated into Hungarian, the participants will be able to get their hands on these authentic wayang kulit puppets made of painted leather and try out this special art form, which once started its world-conquering journey from its Javanese cradle.

Professional as well as the wider are welcome to join the programme!

The number of available seats is limited.  

Participation is only possible with a pre-purchased online programme ticket. (No discounts apply this time.)


For those who would like to engage themselves more profoundly in experiencing wayang performances, we further recommend Karakulit Festival in Pécs, where Ki Purbo Asmoro also performs accompanied by the the Indonesian-Hungarian Surya Kencana A gamelan band.