At the end of April, Ki Purbo Asmoro introduced the genre of wayang kulit to Hopp Museum’s audience through a very successful programme. This time, a master of wayang suket (another wayang type), a member of the Wayang Suket Indonesia group comes to us to hold a wayang suket puppet making workshop in the museum garden.
But what is wayang suket? A straw puppet made for a shadow puppet theatre perfomances. Its tradition spread from East and Central Java. There is no record of when the Javanese first started making such puppets. The material is ubiquitous and accessible to all. No special skills are required to make them, and parents have made and still make them with their children. Children also use them for their own play and for puppet theatre performances they have organised themselves. While in the other wayang traditions the stories performed are usually related to myths (Mahabharata, Ramayana), with the wayang suket puppets any story can be performed, although popular Javanese or Indonesian tales are preferred foremost.
The workshop will be led by Indonesian dalang (puppet master) Gaga Rizky, mainly in English with some interpretation.
Two groups are available, max. 20 persons each.
Please, register on the following e-mail address: hopprogram@hoppmuseum.hu
Entry fee: exhibition ticket valid for the day of the performance.
Tickets can be purchased online, in advance, or right before the performace, at Hopp Museum cassa.