BONSAI | An introduction with Gergő Schmidt bonsai expert

BONSAI | An introduction with Gergő Schmidt bonsai expert

Bonsai, or "the art of miniature trees", is a sublime horticultural art form typical of Japan. The word bonsai (literally bon meaning 'tray', 'low pot' and sai 'plant') refers to both the technique of cultivating trees, shrubs and plants in ceramic pots to artistic effect, as well as to the miniature trees themselves. Bonsai plants should have all the beauty and natural appearance of plants that grow in nature, but at a fraction of their size. The beauty of miniature tree compositions is appreciated in the same way as that of works of art. The roots of bonsai art can be traced back to the Shinto religion, and the education of miniature trees conveys love and respect for nature, an understanding and acceptance of natural and universal truths. It is believed that the education of bonsai requires three virtues: justice, goodness and beauty.

To attend the programme, you have to purchase an exhibition ticket valid for the day of the programme.